Sunday, 12 December 2010

Modifying Windows Firewall Through Command Prompt

Windows is all GUI now and very little command line any more, well believe it or not command line is still a very powerful tool that can change a lot of items within Windows. Here we will talk about changing Windows Firewall through a command line. The Windows XP firewall is a very basic firewall that protects users from some of the attacks that come across the Internet.
The netshcommand is a free program that comes with Windows XP and is what we will be using to make specific changes to the Windows firewall in this article. The netsh command alone will put you at a netsh> prompt which is ready for more commands. Because netsh can be used to modify other items beside the firewall we need to tell it that we will be configuring the firewall so we give the netsh> prompt the firewall command. Now we are sitting at netsh firewall> prompt. Like any other command line program we can give it a ? to display all the available commands.
netsh firewall>?
  Commands in this context:
    ?                -Displays a list of commands.
    add          -Adds firewall configuration.
    delete     -Deletes firewall configuration.
    dump      -Displays a configuration script.
    help         -Displays a list of commands.
    reset        -Resets firewall configuration to default
    set            -Sets firewall configuration
    show        -Shows firewall configuration
So lets now do an example of a configuration we can do with netsh and allow Incoming ICMP ECHO Requests
netsh firewall>set icmpsetting 8 ENABLE
To disable ICMP ECHO Requests
netsh firewall>set icmpsetting 8 DISABLE
Enable Fire and Printer sharing
netsh firewall>set service FILEANDPRINT ENABLE
Now as you can see we have done some very broad configurations that either allow everyone or no one to connect or ping our computer. Lets say we want just a specific network access our computer. Then we will have to use the CUSTOM command within netsh firewall>
netsh firewall>set service FILEANDPRINT ENABLE CUSTOME
So the above statement is only going to allow computers on the network to connect to my computer for file and printer sharing. For those of you who might not be very network familiar the /24 at the end of the network address is the subnet mask. Not to get off on to far of a tangent the /24 means a 24 bit mask which is
Now lets say we are testing something and want to just turn the firewall off completely, well we can do this very easily from command prompt.
netsh firewall>set opmode disable
Now obviously if we turned the firewall of we just might need to turn it back on so.
netsh firewall>set opmode enable
So with all this changing we have done something has gone terribly wrong and we cannot get the right traffic in and out of our computer that we want. So the best thing to do is reset out firewall back to defaults and this can be done by a very simple and obvious command.
netsh firewall>reset
After executing this command all of our modifications will be lost and the firewall will go back to all of its default settings.

8 Tips for Securing Your Home Computer

Security is something that everyone has to stay up with nowadays with all the credit card fraud and identity fraud in the news. There are many things that you can do to help keep your computer and your self safe. Follow these 8 steps and you will be better protected against security threats.
  1. Turn off unnessecary processes
    • There are alot of programs that run in the background of your computer and some of those programs open up ports that can allow a hacker into your computer. By shutting down these programs that are most of the time unnessecary we can eliminate the amount of ports we have open on a computer.
  2. Install Anti-Virus and Anti-Malware
    • This one is an absolute nessecity for anyone who has a computer that is connected to the internet. An up to date anti-virus anti-malware prorgram can be bought just about anywhere including online. One popular option is Symantec which has a full featured program to cover everything. Some other third party software also works well. Adware Botand Spy No More – Anti Spyware
  3. Turn on Windows Firewall or install a personal firewall
    • As was mentioned in tip number 1 we have ports open on our computer that can possibly allow a hacker in. Windows firewall (which comes free with windows) can block these types of ports. You can also purchase a thrid party firewall program that will help block these ports. There are many third party companies that provide excellent firewall programs.Firewall Gold
  4. Have a router between you and the internet
    • Some ISP (internet service providers) such as cable allow you to plug into their modem and it gives your computer a public IP address. By installing a router between your ISP modem and your computer you can not only share your internet connection but you are also protecting yourself by not publishing your IP address to the internet.
    • A simple router is pretty inexpensive depending on the freatures that you get with it like wireless. NewEgg is a great place to find routers and many more computer items.
  5. Disable the computer guest account
    • The guest account for windows XP professional is disabled by default but it is always a good idea to check and make sure.
  6. Keep computer up to date with the latest Windows updates and anti-virus definition updates.
    • Windows workstations need to be constantly update in order to keep them secure. You can go to Windows Updates and get free Microsoft Windows updates.
    • Virus definition updates need to be purchased from the company
  7. Backup important data
    • Backuping up data is not really a security item to keep your computer secure but more to keep you secure. Should your computer happen to be hacked or just crash if your data is backed up you will not lose your data.
  8. Only download and install trusted software
    • One of the most common ways computers get viruses and malware is from software downloaded off of the internet. Certain programs downloaded from unknown sources contain viruses embedded within the program.
    • The best way to protect yourself against this is to not download software unless it is from a site that is totally trusted.
By following these eight steps you can significantly decrease your risk at being hacked or infected by a virus. The most important thing is to use common sense and you will stay protected.

Defragging and the benefits of defragging your pc

Defragging your hard drive will speed up your computer if you have a lot of fragmented files. Now let me try and explain fragmented files a little be before I continue.
First think of your hard drive as a book where the writer does not leave any room for addition in chapters. As soon as he finishes writing a chapter he picks up on the next chapter on the next line. So if he needs to make additions to a chapter that he has already written he will have to add it to the very end and update his table of contents so you know where to get for the rest of the chapter. Hope the made since!
Now you start a word document and you write about half of it and then close it and start an excel document, you save that and then modify your word document again. The physical storage locations on your hard drive are going to be word->excel->word and our table of contents is going to tell use where to find the entire word document which is around the excel document.
Now that you hopfully understand that think of the reader or eye trying to read a document that the spread across then entire physical drive and you can imagine how it could take longer.
Defragging takes these files that are split up across the entire hard drive and organizes them next to each other so the eye doesn’t have to travel all over the place to access a file.
Phew! with all that being said you should only need to defrag your hard drive if you do a lot of program installs and unintalls or if it has been a year since you defragged before. Defragging never hurts your computer but be prepared to have it spend a good 4 hours defragging a large hard drive.
Now how do you defrag your hard drive, well that part is easy:
  1. Open My Computer
  2. Right Click on the drive you want to defrag, usually C:
  3. Click Properties
  4. Click the Tools tab
  5. Click “Defragment Now…”
  6. New program will  open
  7. Select your hard drive, usually C:
  8. Click the “Defragment” button
Your computer will now begin to defragment your hard drive, during this time you should not use your computer because it will be running very slow and you could cause the defragmenting process to run slower.
Well I hope this post will answer your question about deframentation..

Now Its Easier to Build your Own PC...

Most people have thought a one point or another that they want to build their own computer so that they can get a good computer for less expensive and get everything they want in a desktop computer. Building your own computer is not as hard or imtimidating and some people might think. You can purchase everything you from a single website and have it delivered to your home. In this article we will discuss bare bone kits.
If you have never built a computer before I would recommend doing a bare bones kit because most of the components that can conflict with each other are supplied for you. A bare bones kit is a cheap kit you can buy that will normally provide you with a case, motherboard, processor and power supply. If you get a kit like the Foxconn R10-S4 you receive a small case, power supply, processor and motherboard. The motherboard includes onboard video, onboard Network Card, USB connections, and PS2 connections. The best thing to look at in this kit is that you do not have to purchase a video card for the computer. After purchasing this bare bones kit all you have to do is purchase memory, and a hard drive and you are pretty much set.
Foxconn R10-S4: $119.99
WD 180 SATA HD: $39.49
Kingston ValueRAM 1GB: $20.99
LG DVD Burner: $28.99
o to build the above computer we will spend just over $200 and we can get a decent family computer that can be used for general purpose computing. You can already see that even using a bare bones kit you can build a computer pretty inexpensive just by ordering the parts online.
Once you receive all of your components for your bare bones kit you will open the kit and insert the hard drive into the supplied bay and connect the power cable and the supplied SATA to the 0 SATA port on your motherboard.  Next you will insert your Memory into the supplied slots on the motherboard to give you a 1 gig of RAM. Lastly you will place your DVD Burner into the slot on the case and attach the power and supplied IDE cable to the motherboard.
You now have a fully function computer with no Operating System on it.

Restoring Word files using Easy Word Recovery

Have you ever thought about restoring your lost files? With Easy Word Recovery this dream will come true. In a few quick steps you can retrieve any of your documents. It does not matter by which version of Microsoft Word they were saved in: Microsoft Word 6.0, 95, 97, 2000, 2002, 2003, 2007 or 2010. This program can function with all of them, and not just work but fully retrieve them.

Results of work are almost better than manual restoration by a qualified engineer. One of the biggest advantages of Easy Word Recovery is that this program can retrieve files even on broken USB-drives and hard discs, which even Windows cannot recognize. The program can also recover documents from physically damaged discs.

The program has a simple and pleasant interface, what greatly simplifies working with it. Before data restoration you can look over the current document and decide whether you will retrieve it or not. After this task, restoration can be carried out. You can also compare results between files viewed earlier and the retrieved file so you can analyze completed work
Easy Word Recovery will retrieve not only the text data of file, but also all of tables or pictures that were in the file. This is very useful, when you are restoring some research or science work.

Another useful function of this programis the chance to retrieve not only damaged documents, but also the deleted ones. Reliability of recovering documents like these is very high.

Easy Word Recovery is a specialized solution for retrieving documents. That’s why the results work far better than any included recovery tool in Micrsoft word. This occurs because unique algorithms are implemented in this program. These algorithms are better optimized for data restoration than the ones which are used in integrated recovery tools.
Thanks to Unicode, Easy Word Recovery supports all world languages. This means that regardless of what language the file was created in, it will still be available after restoration. You can also modify, rename, or perform other actions with this file as though it were never damaged at all.

This program can be run on all releases of Windows: 2000, XP, Server 2003,vista, Server 2008 and 7. You can be certain of success regardless of your operation system. This program can work on all of them.

Easy Word Recovery has a very small size and does not demand a great deal of system resources. You can run this program on almost every machine and be sure that everything will function smoothly. The price for Easy Word Recovery is very reasonable. Comparing the program to competitors, the price is smaller, but this program has much more useful functions and functions much more effectively.

If you still have some concerns about purchasing Easy Word Recovery, you should go to our site and read reviews or consider downloading a trial version to make sure that Easy Word Recovery is the best recovery application for your documents. With this program, you can be relaxed about the retrieval of all of your documents and be sure that all of them are safe.

Some of the MS powerpoint mistakes that we often commit and tips to avoid that

A lot of times when you want to present, powerpoint presentation is used to help deliver your point across the audience. The audience will see your pictures and point over the screen as you talk.
As easy as it is to make a presentation for your speeches, it is also quite easy to make mistakes. What more you won't notice these mistakes because you think it is the right way to do it. In the end, these mistakes will just bore your audience and your presentation have failed.

If presenter are writing everything inside one slide, then that is a mistake itself. The reader is going to know everything just by reading the slides.If you want to do that then why not just make a video with word.That's the same as just writing the entire speech down on a blackboard and not saying a word.

Use as little words as you can or even just place one picture in one slide. This might seem weird but simplicity works. Then explain to them the meaning of the slides on your own.

Being consistent is also important in your presentation. You use Times New Roman in one slide, the next slide contains Calibri and the next is Verdana.
Who would love looking at that mess? Stick to one fonts only when you are presenting your slides. The size of the font should be large enough to the audience sitting far away can read your slides.
Keep to the same theme throughout your presentation. Don't confuse the audience by using different slides themes inside your presentation.
The developers put the transition animation there for a good reason. You can hide different points in a slide and reveal them slowly.
Sometimes, people forget to limit their animation usage. There isn't a single slide or points that have not been animated by them. Eventually the audience will get bored with it.
Use the transition animation sparingly. You can put a few in different slides and make sure it is quick and not flashy.

A lot of times after people finish their presentation, they do not spell check. This simple feature will save you a lot of embarrassment moment where you get corrected from your reader. Using spell checker is not 100% fool proof as you still need to run through your presentation again.
This makes sure your slides are in order and you know the flow of the presentation.
Hope you got benefited from this..

Setting up dual monitors for your pc

Setting dual montiors or even three monitors if very easy and doesn`t require much knowledge of computers.
 Setting up dual monitors only requires that you have a computer, two monitors, and two video cards (or a video card with two inputs). For the purposes of this article we are going to be using a PC with windows XP SP2 on it. The first thing we obviously want to do is me sure both video cards are installed in the computer and the drivers are installed. This is the most technical part of installing dual monitors on a computer. You will need to open the case up and install a second video card. Most video cards are either built into the motherboard or they are installed into an AGP slot on the motherboard. So your best bet is going to be to get a PCIe card because that is most likely the open port you will have.
 Now that you have both video cards installed, plug both of your monitors into the computer and boot it up. You should see the same screen on both monitors or one should be blank. Once windows boots up and you are at our desktop simple right click on an empty part of your desktop and choose “Properties”. Next you will choose the tab that says “Settings” and you should see both of your monitors represented there on the screen. Click the square that is suppose to represent the second monitor. Now you should have two options below that say, “Use this device as the primary monitor” and “Extend my Windows desktop onto this monitor”. You are going to want to make sure that the first option is deselected and the second option is selected. Then click the apply button to make the settings take effect.
 Now move your mouse from left to right and see if it goes properly to the other monitor. If it doesn`t your probably have your monitors in the wrong positions. No problem, just go back to the two boxes and click on the box that is listed as 2 and drag it to the left of the box that says 1 and your monitors should be aligned correctly now. As you can see there is much more functionality here if you want to do more than 2 monitors. You can position them pretty much were ever you want.

Easily Shutdown a local or remote computer with Shutdown.exe

Shutdown.exe is included in pretty much any recent version of the Windows OS including Windows 2000, XP, 2003, Vista, 2008 and 7. Shuftdown.exe is a great program that can be used by system administrators to shutdown local computers through a batch file or even shutdown remote machines or servers using different switches.The shutdown command it typically stored in the c:\windows\system32\ folder as shutdown.exe.

Shutdown.exe [logoff_option] [/m \\computername ] [option]
logoff option:
  • /i
    • Display the GUI (must be the first option)
  • /l
    • Log Off. This cannot be used with /m or /d option
  • /s
    • Shutdown
  • /r
    • Shutdown and Restart
  • /a
    • Abort a system shutdown (only during the time-out period)
  • /p
    • Turn off the local computer with no time-out or warning (only with /d)
  • /h
    • Hibernate the local computer (only with /f)
  • /e
    • Document the reason for an unexpected shutdown of a computer
  • /m \\computername
    • A remote computer to shutdown
  • /t:(0-600)
    • Time until system shuts down in seconds. 0-600 (default=30)
  • /c “Message”
    • An optional shutdown message with a max of 127 characters
  • /f
    • Force all running applications to close. This will result in lost of unsaved data
  • /d u:xx:yy
    • List a USER reason code for the shutdown
  • /d P:xx:yy
    • List a PLANNED reason code for the shutdown

Top 10 Proven Ways To Protect Yourself From Computer Viruses

As more and more people are becoming comfortable using their computers at school, home or in the office it’s only a matter of time before they encounter a computer virus. Here are my top 10 steps to protect you from computer viruses.
Use a high quality anti-virus program. There are many different anti-virus computers programs on the market some of them are better than others. Look to reputable computer magazines or websites for ratings to help you find the one that matches your needs.
Always use your anti-virus software. Make sure your anti-virus software is always turned on and scanning, incoming and outgoing email messages, and any software programs you run.
Keep your antivirus programs up to date. Most programs come with a yearly subscription make sure you take advantage of the updates. More advanced programs allow you to schedule updates or full system scans for “off hours” like 2AM when you aren’t likely to be using your computer.
Keep your computer up to date. From time to time operating systems fall victim to security holes or issue updates. Make sure you check periodically to make sure you are running stable up to date versions of your software.
Backup your data regularly. Most windows computer users keep their documents in the “My documents” folder. This makes it easy to back up all of your important documents. Make weekly or monthly copies to CD or USB drives.
If you use floppy disks or USB drives on public computers like your school computer lab, Kinko’s, or even digital photo printing store make sure you scan them for viruses. Public computers are notorious for not being up to date and properly protected.
Be wary of email attachments. Treat any email attachment as potentially dangerous. Never open attachments from people you weren’t expecting. Also be careful of attachments from people you know but weren’t expecting. Many computer viruses replicate themselves by reading the contacts from an infected computer.
Use text email if possible. While HTML email is prettier and allows you more control over formatting it also can carry computer viruses. If you use text based email the only way to get a virus is by opening an attachment.
Use downloaded freeware and shareware files or software with caution. Try to download them from popular reputable sources that scan the programs before they are uploaded. To make sure you are safe scan the program before you install it on your computer.Always update your antivirus software to get updated with the most recent virus definition.
Be wary of links in IM or instant messaging software. Don’t accept invitations from people you don’t know and never click a link from someone you don’t trust, they can easily redirect you to another website that will try to install a virus on your computer system.

Need to avoid losing thousands of dollars of data during power loss – Why an UPS is Essential

It's most peoples worst computing nightmare. You wake up in the morning, flip on the computer, and it doesn't boot. Sometimes the problem rears its ugly head as a horrific clacking noise. Other times it simply gives a read error.

At this point, most people panic. The first thing you wonder is whether or not the data is recoverable. There is no universal answer to this. In some cases, a simple scan with some data recovery software is all that it takes to retrieve the contents of the drive. In other cases, if you want it badly enough, it will take thousands of dollars and a shipment of the drive to a clean lab where they will pull the platters inside of the drive and access them that way.

Now you're probably wondering if there's a way to prevent this from happening. Well, you're in luck. Getting a UPS (Uninterruptible Power Supply) is the very best and most effective way to prevent your data from pulling a disappearing act.

While it is not fool-proof, having something that regulates the electricity flowing into your computer can reduce the risk of a drive failure by up to 70%. This figure goes up to around 90% if the computer is being used while in an electrical storm. (My computer repair business always gets a little boost after a thunderstorm, courtesy of the lightning wreaking havoc on people's hard drives.)

Don't just run out and get any UPS. You want to get an intelligent one. The "intelligent" UPS will regulate the power without having to hit the battery every time the voltage takes a dip which greatly improves battery longevity. They also include options to hook the power supply up to your computer via a serial or USB port so you can monitor what the power is doing. This also gives the option to allow for a soft shut-down if the power goes out and you are away from your desk.

You can get an Uninterruptible Power Supply at most computer stores. Best Buy carries a fairly wide selection of them.

As for brands, I've personally used APC with much success. Opti-UPS is another excellent brand. In fact, I have an Opti that is 6 years old and still works fine, although the batteries now have no life to them. (That's to be expected. Rechargeable batteries only last so long)

Now that you know of the importance of a UPS I would strongly encourage you to invest in one. It is far better to spend $100 now on some preventative maintenance than having to spend much more later on data recovery. 

Spyware Protection - The Only and essential Way To Safeguard Your Personal Information Online

The Problem: 

Are you bombarded with popup ads? Seeing new toolbars in your browser? Does your home page change to unwanted/unknown destinations? Bombarded with irritating spam? Perhaps strange software loads when you first start your computer, or your favorites file may have new entries that you don't recognize and don't want. If this is happening to you, your PC (Personal Computer) is most likely infected with adware spyware, spybot spyware, trojan viruses or other harmful internet parasites. 

What Is Actually Happening? 

Your privacy is being seriously invaded. These programs have the ability to track your Internet usage habits and even steal such personal information as bank account numbers and passwords. If you are like me, this is scary, isn't it? But there's more...spyware even has the power to install even more parasites on your computer without your knowledge and without your consent. Everything you do and everything you type can be recorded without your knowledge and without your consent. Using spyware, companies can find out what your interests are and even track your purchasing habits. Hackers can and sometimes will access your PC and do anything they wish. Unscrupulous individuals can even steal your identity (you've heard of identity theft, haven't you?) and you would never be the wiser, at least until it is too late (this would be when the bill collectors, or even the police, start calling you!). 

To Determine If You Are At Risk, Ask Yourself These 3 Questions: 

1. Have I downloaded files, documents or free mp3 music online? 
2. Has my computer suddenly started getting annoying ads popping up on the screen? 
3. Have I suddenly noticed that my computer is running extremely slow? 

What Is The Solution? 

There is only one solution to this problem and that is to protect yourself and your privacy with a Spyware protection solution. Spyware protection software helps you to completely clean your computer of invasive threats. As a result, your computer will be clean and its performance will be better. Simply put, it will run a lot faster. Additionally, you will have protected your privacy - personal information, financial data, and your financial security will be protected. In the information age, where having just one piece of your personal information can ruin your life, protecting your personal privacy while online is of the utmost importance. 

The Top Twelve Threats that No Computer User Should Ignore..

The Top Twelve Threats No Computer User Should Ignore

The internet is undoubtedly a fantastic resource for
families and offers a rich source of educational content.
However, there are potential dangers - welcome to the
dreadful world of viruses, spam, trojans, spyware
and other nasties.

Here are the Top Twelve Threats No Computer User Should

1. Viruses - A computer program that copies itself. They
often disrupt your computer system or damage your data.
Viruses are usually received by email attachments so be
careful opening anything from a dubious source. They can
affect anyone, for example, the destructive Mydoom worm
affected one out of three small and mid-sized businesses.

2. Spyware - Sends information about you and your computer
to somebody else. Spyware may send the addresses of sites
you have visited or worse still, transmit personal
information. With today's concerns about identify theft
this is a real worry. For example, CoolWebSearch may hijack
web searches, home page, and other Internet Explorer
settings. Spyware is normally received as part of shareware
or freeware downloaded from the web.

3. IP Spoofing - A technique to gain unauthorized access
to computers, whereby the intruder sends messages to a
computer with an address indicating that the message is
coming from a trusted host.

4. Trojans - An apparently legitimate computer program
that is really intended to disrupt and damage computer
activity by sending information, perhaps even passwords
onto a third party without you knowing. As an example,
recent emails entitled "Osama Bin Laden Captured" attempted
to download the "Trj/Small.B." Trojan if the embedded URL
was clicked. This trojan attempts to hijack the PC.

5. Spam - Unsolicited mail often promoting products of a
dubious financial or sexual nature. Don't leave your email
address on websites and internet bulletin boards as they
are harvested by spammers.

6. Adware - puts advertisements on your screen. These take
many forms including popups, popunders and advertisements
that appear later, even if your browser is closed. Some are
sent using the Windows Messenger service which allows a
spammer to direct an advertisement straight to your
computer by sequentially sending messages to IP addresses.
Always irritating, they are also often of a bad

7. Diallers - for those of us still with dial up modems,
dialler programs redirect calls to a very expensive number.
You won't know until you get the bill.

8. Hijackers - Hijackers take control of your web browser
and may reset your home page, search bar and search pages.
They can redirect you to undesirable sites or stop you
going to particular sites.

9. Hackers - With so much personal data available online
to anyone with a password you must be sure your password is
secure. If you are using your mother's maiden name, your
cat's name or your birthday then your password is at risk.
Here are two tips for making a secure password. Method One -
pick two random unrelated three letter words and two
digits. Mix them up and what do you have? A secure password
such as "red19cat" or "hotpin73". Method Two - pick a short
sequence of words such as Now Is The Winter Of Our
Discontent Made Glorious' and you have a password of
"nitwoodmg". You could even change the I's and O's to

10. Phishing - Emails purporting to come from reliable
sources such as Paypal, Ebay or your bank. Often wanting
you to verify your account details, they can look very
realistic but are generally scams to harvest usernames and
passwords. Always open a new browser winder and type the
address there, rather than clicking on the link provided.

11. Hoaxes - Chain letters, scams, false alarms. At best
they take up time and bandwidth but at worst vulnerable can
be victims of fraud. Pass it on!

Need for cleaning your windows registry..

Registry is the database where data of programs and windows is stored. Registry cleaner is software, used to run your computer faster and smoother. Registry cleaning is very important for a smooth running of your computer system. Whenever you delete a file form your system, the registry does not remove this data. Thus, a reference to the deleted file remains in the registry. Gradually as the registry gets filled up with these databases, the computer gets slower and slower in its functioning. If the registry is not cleaned up regularly, severe damage can be caused to your computer.

A registry cleaner scans the windows and finds out the outdated and incorrect information stored in your computer’s registry. The software fixes this improper information enabling your system to be error free and run faster. The software is enabled with advanced features that make your computer run smoothly and efficiently. Registry cleaning makes your computer run very quickly and also safely.

There are many advantages for registry cleaning. Your computer will have a cleaned up registry and no information in the registry will be cluttered. You can regain the lost disk space and use this for installing new software. Registry cleaning will also block the installation of spyware and adware in your computer. If your computer was having any application errors, you can see that this has been fixed after you clean up your registry. Your system will be maintained as it was in its initial stages and you can also understand your computer much better.

If you do not clean up your computer’s registry timely, you can face different types of problem while using the computer. When you are in the midst of doing important work related activity, your computer can suddenly crash or the system can get stalled all of sudden. This can have damaging impact on your work. Timely cleaning up and fixing of the registry will prevent you from facing such crisis.

There are different kinds of registry cleaner available. You can use the best registry cleaner available in the market to maintain the registry of your computer. Keeping your PC clean is very important if you want it to run efficiently all the time. The registry cleaner software will help you in repairing some applications that are not working in your computer.

The software uses speed detection techniques to very quickly identify the missing and invalid reference from your windows registry. After identifying the problems, the software with the use of its advanced technology can easily clean your registry. After this your computer will start functioning, like a new PC. After installing the software you can customize its different options according to the requirements of your computer.

Many online sites provide registry cleaner software for its customers. Before you buy a registry cleaner, make sure that you are aware about its different features. This will help you in customizing the features of the software according to the needs of your computer.

Buy the best registry cleaner that is available for your computer.