Most people have thought a one point or another that they want to build their own computer so that they can get a good computer for less expensive and get everything they want in a desktop computer. Building your own computer is not as hard or imtimidating and some people might think. You can purchase everything you from a single website and have it delivered to your home. In this article we will discuss bare bone kits.
If you have never built a computer before I would recommend doing a bare bones kit because most of the components that can conflict with each other are supplied for you. A bare bones kit is a cheap kit you can buy that will normally provide you with a case, motherboard, processor and power supply. If you get a kit like the Foxconn R10-S4 you receive a small case, power supply, processor and motherboard. The motherboard includes onboard video, onboard Network Card, USB connections, and PS2 connections. The best thing to look at in this kit is that you do not have to purchase a video card for the computer. After purchasing this bare bones kit all you have to do is purchase memory, and a hard drive and you are pretty much set.
Foxconn R10-S4: $119.99
WD 180 SATA HD: $39.49
Kingston ValueRAM 1GB: $20.99
LG DVD Burner: $28.99
WD 180 SATA HD: $39.49
Kingston ValueRAM 1GB: $20.99
LG DVD Burner: $28.99
o to build the above computer we will spend just over $200 and we can get a decent family computer that can be used for general purpose computing. You can already see that even using a bare bones kit you can build a computer pretty inexpensive just by ordering the parts online.
Once you receive all of your components for your bare bones kit you will open the kit and insert the hard drive into the supplied bay and connect the power cable and the supplied SATA to the 0 SATA port on your motherboard. Next you will insert your Memory into the supplied slots on the motherboard to give you a 1 gig of RAM. Lastly you will place your DVD Burner into the slot on the case and attach the power and supplied IDE cable to the motherboard.
You now have a fully function computer with no Operating System on it.
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