Saturday, 20 February 2010

What to do if we cannot find the desktop,icons and the taskbar in windows xp:

This problem is recently worrying many pc users and many reformat their os to solve this problem.There is another way other than formatting the os.This problem is usually caused by a malware or spyware.It makes some of the portions of windows non accessible making our computer vulnerable to more threats.It disables the registry editor and taskmanger.If we have this problem we cannot view our desktop and directly after startup we will be shown the my documents window or any other that we were last opening before the shutdown.

We can solve this problem by means of system restore.Go to my computer by means of the drop downbox or the tasks option found on the left side of the window,then go to the drive u have installed the os:(its normally c drive),then  documents and settings,then allusers,then start menu,then programs,then accessories and then system tools and then you can find the system restore option there.By selecting system restore you can restore your computer to an earlier time in which your system was at proper operation and then all your problems will be solved.

Then clean your whole pc with a good spyware or malware eradicating softwares such as malware bites,spyware doctor,super antispyware,etc...


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