This is the recently released ultimate gaming chair that gives us all the pleasure and good vibratory effects to enjoy the ultimate effects in gaming..
The gaming chair is featured with 12 powerful vibratory motors and it makes it Fit and cool..As far as sound is concerned you can use your stock head phones from your mp3 players or plug in your home theater system to enjoy maximum sound effects..There are adjustable 3D speakers built in the chair as well.Any type of gaming accessory will work with the chair including the steering wheels and custom controllers.Comfort was not definitely overstressed during the creation of the chair,the main features in its comfort are;
1.Adjustable head rest
2.Head rest
3.Beverage and a remote control holder
At present,quite a few gaming consoles are compatible with the ultimate gaming chair such as ps2,xbox,pc,Mac and xbox live.For audio only you can use all your devices such as ipod,DS,PSP or generic mp3 player.
On a conclusion of this chair,you have got massage chair,beverage holder,stereo holder,vibrator synced to the game and an additional remote holder.If you got to be a serious gamer then price is nothing ,and if you are not then a price of 400$ may make you think for a little...